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Previous Posts:

 ::   Gevalia is Stalking Me and I Wish They'd Stop
 ::   Good News For Coffee Drinkers!!!
 ::   Another Good Reason to Drink Coffee - Especially F...
 ::   Coffee May Pack Dietary Fiber
 ::   Happy Valentine's Ermmm,,,,,,,Love Day!
 ::   So Far This Year
 ::   Coffee New Year!
 ::   Happy Hot Coffee Holidays!
 ::   Something that Made Me Pass Coffee Through My Nose...
 ::   The Portable Coffee Roasting Machine -With Duct Ta...
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Sunday, March 25, 2007 -----


Bean Gevalia is Stalking Me and I Wish They'd Stop

What is the deal?
I kid you not - I am getting up to three emails a day from the Gevalia company and they wanna give me a coffee pot and 4 bags of their "premium" coffee and in small letter they tell me I'll receive another bag or two ever month and ohh yeah I get to pay for this priveledge, could they have my credit card number please?
No way I'm giving them any information.
I've written about five times now to have myself removed and these emails keep coming.
If they can't even remove a person from their email list how the heck can they possibly manage to handle something larger like oh say...a customer's account?

They use dried coffee beans anyway - I wouldn't switch from fresh roasted coffee beans for money (or a free coffee pot).

But I really wish Gevalia would leave me alone.

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Coffee.  Roasted fresh, delivered to your door. Coffee.  Roasted fresh, delivered to your door.


Bean Good News For Coffee Drinkers!!!

Healthy people, drink up coffee
Sun, 25 Mar 2007 22:17:39
A new study shows if you are healthy and do not suffer from high blood pressure, you may not have to cut back on coffee.

Caffeine in the short-term can increase blood pressure.

Therefore, drinking coffee has been linked to an increase in the risk of high blood pressure over time.

But based on a study, healthy women who drank up to six cups of coffee every day had no more risk of developing high blood pressure than those who did not drink it.

On the other hand, women who drank coffee in moderation, between one and three cups a day, had a higher risk of developing high blood pressure than heavy drinkers or non-coffee drinkers.

A possible reason is that drinking several cups of coffee a day may increase tolerance to the blood-pressure-raising effects of caffeine.

In men, it did not matter how much coffee they drank, the risk of high blood pressure did not increase.

However, coffee has some health benefits as well in healthy people, such as lowering the risk of diabetes.


Article link:§ionid=3510210

::  Posted by: ~Just Me Again  at 7:36 PM
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Coffee.  Roasted fresh, delivered to your door. Coffee.  Roasted fresh, delivered to your door.

Friday, March 09, 2007 -----


Bean Another Good Reason to Drink Coffee - Especially Fresh Roasted Coffee!

Two New Studies on Aspartame and Diet Drinks Confirm Source of Obesity, Cancer/Malignant Brain Tumor Epidemics
THE Cancer Research Center of the European Foundation of Oncology and Environmental Sciences in Bologna, Italy reported this week that a long-term study to evaluate the potential carcinogenic effects of aspartame demonstrates the chemical sweetener "induces an increase in lymphomas and leukemia in female rats." The research will be presented at a September international scientific conference, "Framing the Future in the Light of the Past: Living in a Chemical World."

Neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock M.D. commented: "The new study released in the European Journal of oncology by Morando Soffritti and co-workers should terrify mothers and all those consuming aspartame sweetened products. This was a carefully done study which clearly demonstrated a statistically significant increase in several types of lymphomas and leukemia in rats. Both of these malignancies have increased significantly in this country since the widespread use of aspartame.

"This study confirmed the previous study by Dr. Trocho and co-workers, which also found the formaldehyde breakdown product of aspartame to be damaging to cellular DNA and that this damage was accumulative. The type of damage was a duplicate of that associated with cancers. Along with this most recent study, this means that drinking a single diet cola sweetened with aspartame every day could increase one's risk of developing a lymphoma or leukemia.

"They also found an increased incidence of malignant brain tumors, even though it was not statistically significant. This does not mean there is no association to brain tumors, since only the animals exposed to aspartame developed the tumors. With children and pregnant women drinking the largest amount of diet colas, this puts their children at the greatest risk of developing one of these horrible diseases. Their study found that even low doses of aspartame could cause these malignancies; yet, the higher the dose, the more cancers that were seen.

"Since aspartame can increase obesity and may even cause the metabolic syndrome that affects 48 million Americans, there is no reason to ever consume this product. At the least it should be immediately banned from all schools."

Dr. Blaylock wrote the Miami Herald to counteract propaganda by the Calorie Control Council, an aspartame front group: "It is known that the amount of toxic phenylalanine reaching the baby is twice as high as that in the mother's blood because the placenta concentrates the toxin. In addition, numerous metabolic breakdown products of aspartame are known to damage the developing infant's brain, including methanol, formaldehyde, formic acid, diketopiperizine and phenylacetate.

"Aspartame has been shown by several studies to damage DNA, which can lead to cancer and degenerative brain disorders later in life. The risk of increased brain tumors in such a child would be enormous. Similar mechanisms of damage would be expected in these with liver disease. Studies on aspartame safety have shown that the product increases tumors throughout numerous organs, especially the brain. It was shown that brain tumor incidence increased over 47 times in animals exposed to aspartame.

"With the public concern over childhood obesity and diabetes few are being told of the overwhelming evidence that early exposure to excitotoxins as found in aspartame consistently produce gross obesity and insulin resistant diabetes, just as we are seeing in our youth. The promoters of aspartame use have been lying from the beginning and continue to use their money and political clout to cover up the real and present dangers of this toxic product." Astonishingly the Miami Herald ignored Dr. Blaylock's lifesaving cry of alarm. "Clout" in Miami means advertising dollars!

The Division of Clinical Epidemiology of the University of Texas Health Center at San Antonio just reported a study by Sharon Fowler, MPH that reviewed eight years of data confirming a diet soda link to obesity. She said: "Something linked to diet soda drinking is also linked to obesity.

An earlier study found weight gain among 78,694 women using artificial sweeteners: Stellman SD, Garfinkel L: "Artificial Sweetener Use and One-Year Weight Change Among Women. Prev Med 1985: 15: 195-202.

Joe Stalin said: "One man's death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic." Consider the tragedy of an 8 year old child who consumed aspartame products as told by Dr. H. J. Roberts in his 1038 page magnum work "Aspartame Disease, an Ignored Epidemic". "In two years she developed marketed swelling of one shoulder which then involved the neck. Her arm almost tripled in size. ... Numerous physicians and consultants diagnosed histiocytic leukemia. The patient received large doses of Prednisone. Of particular interest is there was dramatic clinical improvement and virtual normalization of the blood changes when the mother eliminated additives. Prednisone was stopped. The patient subsequently ate several bowls of an aspartame cereal. Marked swelling of the checks developed, coupled with recurrence of the aforementioned features. When aspartame was discontinued, the swelling receded without Prednisone.

"Several months later, the girl was given aspartame chewing gum without the mother's knowledge. Swelling of her entire body, recurrent enlargement of the liver and spleen, a dramatic increase of bone marrow histiocytes, and severe pain in many joints ensued. Total abstinence from aspartame again affected the disappearance of her symptoms and blood abnormalities within 6 months. At the time of Dr. Roberts last discussion with her mother, the child had minimal enlargement of the liver, and was receiving Prednisone in low doses only intermittently.

"The patient had two sets of head x-rays, three CT scans of the brain, two spinal punctures, four bone marrow studies, two electroencephalograms, two heart monitoring studies, two baraium enemas, and a host of other studies. Her mother estimated the medical costs at $750,000." [Page 476]

Statistics? Says Dr. Betty Martini: "There are millions of victims like this little girl! Once documented reports like hers were received as field research by medical professionals. That time has long passed. Today her near-murder is just an "anecdote", a statistic! What unspeakable torture to visit upon an innocent child by these heinous mass poisoners: the chemical sweetener cartel! I've sent thousands of case histories to the FDA and could as well be talking to the Egyptian pyramid of Cheops. The price of medical treatment in the USA means most American families are but a single serious illness from financial destruction. The agony, disablement, death and family ruination wrought by aspartame wrecks our land with a trail of devastation exceeding category 5 hurricanes! With incomparably greater cost and pain!"

Continued Dr. Martini, founder of Mission Possible International, a worldwide volunteer force which for 14 years has exposed chemical sweeteners: "How shall we count aspartame atrocities? Our FDA once listed them, named 92 symptoms from more than ten thousand volunteered complaints by American consumers. Their Buchenwald list included four kinds of seizures, blindness, sexual dysfunction, mental destruction and death. Then FDA shut the report window and no longer takes and tabulates reports. I've sent them more cases than they listed, but you can't get the death list now; they deny it existed. Think of FDA simply as the branch office of the pharmaceutical industry inWashington!"

Martini states: "There's a war going on in our schools. A war for their health, their futures, their lives. It's a covert war, unannounced by the media, unknown by those to be sacrificed or their guardians. Our schools are dope houses. Millions or our children are on Ritalin, et al. Aspartame and toxic MSG is dumped on their lunches. An ever greater list of vaccines is commanded to contaminate their blood. The chemical cartel is insatiable! And what the harvest? Is our kids’ healthier, fitter, better balanced and more secure than we were generations ago? We don't understand health! Every normal physical condition has become a malady treatable, not curable, only by medication, for life. Dr. Gary Null reported on his 6/5/05 interview with Dr. Peter Rost, Pfizer Marketing VP, who candidly revealed the unbelievable drug company profits: Retail price of 100 Prozac 20mg tablets is $247.47. The active ingredient in ALL these is eleven cents! Jesus spoke of those who devour widows houses. Who could say it better?

"But in some states a minuteman call is going out: Ditch the drugs, void the vending machines packed with poisoned potions. A school system in Wisconsin set the pace, reported by the Finegold Association, whose mission includes generating awareness of the role of foods and additives in student learning, health and behavior problems. Dr. Martini explained this in a letter to the Alabama Board of Education who recently met July 12 to decide about pop: "Aspartame has been proven to destroy brains, trigger psychiatric and behavioral problems, cause eye disorders (including blindness), addict and trigger brain tumors."

Betty Peters, of the Alabama Board of Education asked for an amendment to remove all soda pop from Alabama schools, but this was reduced to simply revise the current system and allow diet drinks, this with full knowledge that diet drinks cause more obesity. The vending machine proposal was gutted to appease the soft drink industry. But where was the concern for the children?

Dr. Roberts reviewed the Italian study, concluding: "It's now incumbent upon researchers of leukemia and lymphoma to inquire about the use of aspartame products routinely in such patients. And it’s also highly relevant, the striking increase of primary brain lymphoma which I reviewed in my books and articles. You are dealing with a unique lymphoma of the brain. which most neurologists had not seen before the availability of aspartame. In view of the unequivocal induction of brain tumors and of leukemia/lymphoma in experimental animals the intent of the Delaney Amendment should be invoked. This justifies aspartame as an imminent public health hazard and should be removed from the market as I've emphasized for two decades."

In the "Journal of Advance in Medicine" Vol 4 #4, winter '91 article: "Does Aspartame Cause Human Brain Cancer" Dr. Roberts said: "The increasing frequency of primary brain lymphoma of B cell derivation - including reticulum cell sarcoma, microglioma and histolytic lymphoma - also requires explanation because this subset was previously rare. Eby et al reported a nearly threefold rise in its incidence among immunologically normal persons in the l982-l984 SEER data, which they could not explain. Specifically, the rate increased from 2.7 to 7.5 cases per ten million population (p=0.001) in the time periods l973-l975 and l982-l984, respectively. The age-adjusted rise was more striking among women which increased from 4.9 per ten million in l979-l981 to 8.9 per ten million in l982-l984.

Again Dr. Roberts tells us "Hockberg and Miller reported a tripling of incidence of this tumor in non-immunosuppressed persons during the 5 year interval between l980 and l984."

Dr. Blaylock is author of Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills, Health & Nutrition Secrets to Save Your Life and Cancer Strategies, ( ) He also has a newsletter that keeps you up-to-date on these matters:

How was aspartame ever approved by FDA? For 16 years it was rejected. FDA even asked the Department of Justice to prosecute the manufacturer, G.D. Searle Co. for submitting fraudulent test data on aspartame. Two prosecutors were appointed, but the defense lawyers hired both of them and the case expired with the statute of limitations. When the Godfather hires the District Attorney don't expect a conviction. Next Don Rumsfeld, CEO of G D Searle, returned to Washington and a new FDA commissioner was appointed immediately who approved aspartame over the objections of the FDA scientific board. This new commissioner was under investigation for conflict of interest when he switched to take $1,000/day consulting job with the public relations firm that represented NutraSweet. All in the family! The plague loosed on humanity by this chicanery is also known as Rumsfeld's Disease. Hear attorney James Turner explain it in this clip from the documentary: "Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World"

The Italian study press release says the results demonstrate for the first time aspartame is a carcinogenic agent -- "As recognized by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) of the World Health Organization, results of long-term bioassays conducted on rodents (rats and mice) are highly predictive of carcinogenic risk for humans. In light of this fact, the results of the CRC/ERF study on aspartame call for urgent reconsideration of regulations governing its use as an artificial sweetener in order to better protect public health, in particular that of children."

This is the most recent of many projects which confirms aspartame's toxicity beyond controversy. FDA & Searle have always known aspartame is a Class A Carcinogen. The late FDA toxicologist, Dr. Adrian Gross, told Congress that aspartame, beyond a shadow of a doubt can produce brain tumors and brain cancer, and violates the Delaney Amendment which forbids anything in food which causes cancer. His last words to Congress: "If the FDA violates its own laws who is left to protect the public?" Ten thousand tombstones show that only a concerned citizenry can achieve save itself from all the 92 symptoms FDA once listed.

To children aspartame is murder. It's an abortifacient and teratogen; causing abortions, birth defects and retardation. If a live child is born aspartame may have heinously damaged its DNA for generations to come. Our schools are so inundated with problems that today the norm is "abnormal". Only eradication of this poison will eliminate aspartame's physical, behavioral, psychiatric maladies and learning disabilities. Industry's greed is keeping it schools to addict our children for life. They even got FDA to approve new deadly chemicals: Splenda and Acesulfame Potassium. See: "The Lethal Science of Splenda"

::  Posted by: ~Just Me Again  at 5:43 PM
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Coffee.  Roasted fresh, delivered to your door. Coffee.  Roasted fresh, delivered to your door.

Sunday, February 25, 2007 -----


Bean Coffee May Pack Dietary Fiber

This is a great article on the true benefits of coffee!

Coffee May Be Higher in Soluble Fiber Than Wine or Orange Juice, Experts Say
By Miranda Hitti
WebMD Medical News Reviewed By Louise Chang, MD
on Friday, February 23, 2007

Feb. 23, 2007 -- Your coffee may come with a little something extra -- and not just cream and sugar.

Some of the dietary fiber in coffee beans may make it into your mug, Spanish researchers report.

They say coffee has more soluble dietary fiber (the type of fiber that dissolves in water and helps prevent cholesterol from being absorbed by the intestines) than wine or orange juice.

Fulgencio Saura-Calixto, PhD, and colleagues at the Spanish National Research Council in Madrid brewed instant coffee, espresso, and filtered coffee.

They measured how much soluble dietary fiber was in each drink.

Instant coffee contained the most -- about 1.8 grams of soluble dietary fiber per cup. Espresso had 1.5 grams of soluble dietary fiber per cup, and filtered coffee contained 1.1 grams, the study shows.

The report is scheduled for publication in the March 21 edition of the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.

Fiber Recommendations

You would have to drink a lot of coffee -- about 17 cups of instant -- to reach the recommended daily intake of 31 grams of dietary fiber per day, based on a 2,000-calorie daily diet.

That fiber recommendation comes from dietary guidelines published in 2005 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

In their study, the Spanish scientists simply measured dietary fiber in coffee. They didn't study coffee's health effects; and they don't make any recommendations about drinking coffee.

Past studies on coffee and health have had mixed results, note Saura-Calixto and colleagues.

Fiber Sources

Looking for other sources of dietary fiber? Beans, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables are leading sources.

Those foods also contain insoluble fiber, which doesn't dissolve in water, rather than the soluble dietary fiber found in coffee.

Insoluble fiber (roughage) may help keep bowel movements regular and reduce the risk of colon problems. It also makes you feel full.

Let's say you start your day with half a cup of 100% bran cereal (8.8 grams of dietary fiber) and a cup of instant coffee (1.8 grams of dietary fiber).

Then you lunch on chili containing half a cup of cooked Navy beans (9.5 grams of dietary fiber). In the afternoon, you snack on an ounce of almonds (3.3 grams of dietary fiber) and a small, raw pear (4.3 grams of dietary fiber).

For dinner, you have chicken (sorry, no fiber there) and half a medium-sized baked sweet potato (4.8 grams of dietary fiber).

Add it all up, and you've reached 32 grams of dietary fiber. That's a smidgen more than the recommended amount.

That menu is just an example to give you an idea of foods' fiber content. Your doctor or a nutritionist have more pointers for creating a healthy diet with plenty of fiber.

SOURCES: Diaz-Rubio, M. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, March 21, 2007. U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: "Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005." WebMD Feature: "Why You Need More Fiber." News release, American Chemical Society.

::  Posted by: ~Just Me Again  at 9:44 PM
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Coffee.  Roasted fresh, delivered to your door. Coffee.  Roasted fresh, delivered to your door.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007 -----


Bean Happy Valentine's Ermmm,,,,,,,Love Day!

It's no longer Valentine's; apparently some people felt left out and when I went to buy my honey a new coffee mug among his other LOVE DAY presents, I was corrected by the girl in the store for calling it Valentine's. And was given the Reader's Digest Condensed Version of "Love Day".

We just had one humdinger of a snow storm blow through here - my first blizzard in Ohioland. Am I ready for the beach? You bet. I'll take sand over snow any day.

We've been keeping warm brewing coffee and even busted out the trusty stovetop espresso maker and made some coffee that made the whole house smell like fresh roasted coffee beans. Don't know about you, but I love the way that smells!

Okay, off to paint I go and Happy Love Day everyone!

::  Posted by: ~Just Me Again  at 4:52 PM
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Coffee.  Roasted fresh, delivered to your door. Coffee.  Roasted fresh, delivered to your door.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007 -----


Bean So Far This Year

Are we this far into 2007 already?

A horrible nasty upper respiratory infection has invaded our house and felled us each one by one. The kids had it maybe 2 days with coughing and general icky-ness; my partner got it and he was over it in a few days. For once, I'm the one that didn't bounce back.

I couldn't even drink coffee - which is a rare for me and when I had my first cup in days today - it was like heaven!

Also, about a week ago we did a taste test with some friends (for fun) with a bag of Starbucks and a bag of America the Beautiful Blend from Bello Montana. It was totally unscientific - we brewed up two pots side by side and momentarily forgot which coffee we put in which pot until the aroma easily cleared that up.

We weren't sure how to clear palates since coffee and coffee beans are used to do that... so to be fair we made it so half the people started with Bello Montana and half with Starbucks.

Results - No one in our group liked Starbucks better.
Another home run for fresh roasted coffee!

::  Posted by: ~Just Me Again  at 1:24 PM
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Coffee.  Roasted fresh, delivered to your door. Coffee.  Roasted fresh, delivered to your door.

Saturday, December 30, 2006 -----


Bean Coffee New Year!

Just a post to wish everyone a Happy New Year.
We will not be repeating coffee and egg nog experiment - it's like the 7th circle of vile.

We did however come up with a cool coffee creation using some real cinnamon. We found out that the cinnamon sold in America is almost
exclusively this Chinese type of cinnamon called Cassia. We ordered some actually cinnamon from Ceylon and it's not the slightest bit hard.
It's the same curled bark that you've seen before like other cinnamon sticks, however it's relatively soft and you don't have to knock the side off your
grater trying to get some cinnamon flavor off those little sticks!

This stuff just turns to dust and it's got a natural sweetness that you may or may not have ever tasted before.

With a shot of cream and nutmeg and a little bit of sugar (or Stevia) it makes one delicious coffee drink. America the Beautiful Blend does the best with this mixture.

Have a safe and fun New Year's!

::  Posted by: ~Just Me Again  at 5:09 PM
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Coffee.  Roasted fresh, delivered to your door. Coffee.  Roasted fresh, delivered to your door.

Monday, December 25, 2006 -----


Bean Happy Hot Coffee Holidays!

Happy holidays everyone!

We have had a great holiday season. We've made a lot of coffee gifts by getting some cool looking mugs and filling them with coffee beans (America the Beautiful) in a pretty bag and some other yummies to go with the coffee like coffee cake and cookies.
We did it last year and people actually asked for the same thing again this year because they LOVED the coffee.

No problem, we love spreading the word.

Also you gotta love this guy, his name is Jolt and he reminds you to have your cup of coffee every morning!

Happy Holidays Everyone!!!!!

::  Posted by: ~Just Me Again  at 2:30 PM
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Coffee.  Roasted fresh, delivered to your door. Coffee.  Roasted fresh, delivered to your door.

Sunday, December 10, 2006 -----


Bean Something that Made Me Pass Coffee Through My Nose

Let me preface this by saying I'm a big time animal lover.

When I was drinking my coffee the other morning and just basically waking up, my partner came bouncing in with this photo that he had printed off of the "World's Ugliest Dog" wow no joke there - this dog is majorly unfortunate looking.

Anyway - he jammed the picture in my face and i actually almost passed coffee through my nose laughing - i really thought he had photoshopped some poor poochie's pic - nope this is the real deal.

Put down your coffee mugs and look:

Yeah, now you see why......

::  Posted by: ~Just Me Again  at 9:53 AM
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Coffee.  Roasted fresh, delivered to your door. Coffee.  Roasted fresh, delivered to your door.

Thursday, November 09, 2006 -----


Bean The Portable Coffee Roasting Machine -With Duct Tape!

I have a friend that is a living example of every "You Might Be a Redneck If......" statement ever made and he knows it and is a really fun person...and sometimes he still manages to surprise me.

Jimbo is his name (really) and he's a great guy. He is always inventing things and trying to make a better mousetrap. He made a coffee roaster during the week of Halloween - I thought he was kidding when he e-mailed me to tell me - I "didn't need to buy that sissy coffee no-more" he was going to hook me up with my own coffee roaster. I still thought he was kidding.

No he wasn't. He showed up on my doorstep with a weird looking contraption that I'm pretty sure was once a hot air popcorn machine. He decided he was going to make me fresh roasted coffee. So he set up this duct taped covered "thing" and I made him promise it wouldn't catch my house on fire and he proceeded to "home roast" his green coffee beans he brought over. He got the beans cheap he told me proudly!

Oh man, it smelled vile. Nothing like Bello Montana out of the bag. So they finally turned from green to this weird off color brown - and he announced "They are done!".Which was a good thing because the duct tape was starting to smell a little overheated.

Then he popped out his bean grinder (I have no idea what it used to be but he made it himself too). During this time I decided I was going to need something to reward myself for even trying this so I ground up my own beans and started a pot of Mystical Moose.

He put his ground up "beans" in a filter and started making his own pot of coffee - oh man it was bitter and bad. My partner came into the room, sniffed the air, said it smelled weird in the kitchen and he left.

Jimbo tasted his brewed cup of his "fresh roasted beans" and agreed that coffee was just foul. So over a cup of the good stuff - he told me what he think went wrong (I'm thinking the whole idea..ha ha) and he is going to stick to having coffee with me and work on something else to help improve mankind besides a portable coffee roasting machine.....

::  Posted by: ~Just Me Again  at 7:16 AM
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Coffee.  Roasted fresh, delivered to your door. Coffee.  Roasted fresh, delivered to your door.


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